Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Issue 60...Kiss...
OMG, the weirdest/best thing happened to me. A cute girl in the bus sat next to me and kissed me(:. Okay, I'm just joking, seriously. But it was a good start. (:
Anyways, lots of things to say. So I'll do it slowly...
As i promised in the Issue 59, I'll give you epic fail pictures. (It's on the left)
Ok, I think you may be wandering how i do this... I'm am not gonna tell ya. Lol?
Anyways, at the bottom of this whole post is kinda a "lame" video about 2012... haha(: ENJOY! ^^ Oh, the video is actually from youtube, but i downloaded it cause it was so "interesting". (:
By the way, if you want to look at the picture, click on it. (:
And erm... Bye?...
<<< Real... Lame....
I like...what starts with "p" and end with "orn"? WTF were you thinking? It's POPCORN! Now I know where your mind is...
<<< Real... Drunken driver + car = FAIL
<<<...Dunno.... Thinks its fake
<<<... Real... In new york...
<<<.... Real... Airport in London...
<<<... Real... In India
Labels: home video, iphone pictures, Phrase, youtube
Written @6:40 PM