Gawd... If I really talked about my life, it’ll be weird because many weird things happen to me. Right then. 1st off, sorry for not updating my blog so long. I have been REALLY busy with things. By “things” I meant studying and not using the computer for useless games and videos.
2ndly, I like music a lot. By that I meant I like to LISTEN to music not sit down, take a piano/guitar and start playing cause you all know I’m lazy (=. Yeah. By now you should know who is RWJ on youtube OR at LEAST his music channel which I will link here, here and Go subscribe to him and yeah. Here is his latest music video which I find to be nice(=. So yeah. Enjoy(=
3rdly, Thank you ****** for fixing my Iphone. You are a really nice person. (=
4th, A long story summarized. A bee came into my room and touched my hand. I turned my head around and saw this black, yellow flying object. I have no idea but my reaction was lightning fast. I THREW (not dropped, THREW!) my headphones on the floor and... Yeahh... The rest is too embarrassing to put here. Don’t ask any questions and NEVER LEAVE YOUR WINDOW OPEN!
5th, Should I type it out? Nahh... I don’t feel like it........YET!
6th, Here’s a vlog I made. Vlog = (Video blog). Down. It’s only 1min30sec but yeah(= *Lazy to upload to computer*
7th, I get the best score, best ideas and many many more best things when I’m on the toilet… I don’t know why… But I beat all your traffic rush scores and got 1st on the world for few days… Ahhhh…The toilet (=
How did you come to know of my blog? I’m VERY sure you know I like you. And if I’m not wrong, I know which person you are... There are so many... But yeah, I KNOW who you are... So dad, why ask the question? =D
Love Kye (:
What!? You think I was not intelligent? DUDE! I’m a freakin Cbox master! (Emmm... Cbox is Chat box. The one you used to pretend you were Miss X?) haha. You have to try WAYYYYY better than that... Because I have been blogging for so long and know my blog inside out but you my friend, have a lot to learn about the internet, cbox and my blog. I have A LOT of secrets up my sleeve so it’s hard for you to trick me old one(=. Hahas(=
Wallpaper below[=. Not created by me. I'm not that pro at Photoshop(= It's nice(= DOWNLOAD IT!
1)1)Pissed off : At someone. BTW... When you TELL someone to do something, they will do it. You were not ASKING me to do it... You were TELLING me to do it... Yet you threw a book at me... See what you did? You made me pissed off and I threw the book back at you. Happy now? Feel happy to ruin my mood? Happy? (=. I’m not.
2)2)International Friendship Day : Starts this Friday during your respective recess(=. I’ll be like the British guy serving food(=. It’ll be nice, trust me^^ THIS FRIDAY.RECESS.CANTEEN.FOOD.
3)3)AAC : AAC coming up(=. STRESS!!! =P
4)4)Wallpaper : Yeah. So this wallpaper is for the SYF people in our school that are taking part in competitions. Good luck(=. All the best from Kye(:. “Stars = Shine your way” “Little cute circles of ‘clouds’ = Little challengers in your way”.
Yeah. Boring episode. But I’m creating something that takes a alot of time and effort. I’m lying. I’m not lying when I said I was lying when creating something big. Yeah. Now... Yeah. Boring. I’m sorry... I have no time. I’m doing this at 10pm plus. LATE~ If you sneezed while reading my blog, bless you =D
There's no music. Deal with it.
This blog belong to HIS/HER
Day I started to cause havoc : 14/3
School : BBSS
Age : Undefined
Loves : Animals
Hates : Humans